Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Attention: Accountants, Attorneys, Commercial Lenders

My services are complementary to yours, and I am interested in an affiliate business relationship with your Firm. Because we are purely an Efficiency Management Firm, a relationship with your Firm is good synergy. It is typical for us to engage in relationships with Accountants, Financial Planners, Commercial Lenders, and Attorneys.

Think and Profit Business Consulting provides the most affordable Service and Value for Small and Midsize Privately owned Corporations and Businesses. We focus on   Efficiency Management to improve Cash Flows, Profitability and Access to Commercial Credit. Efficiency Management may include some or all of the following: Read more, http:\\

At Think and Profit Consulting, Inc., We offer a winning Strategy

Our Management Consultants focuses on helping you to operate your business with a planned strategy formulated ahead of time. We will help you to formulate your winning financial and operational strategy.  A strategy based on the combined  financial and operational efficiencies of your business will give way to cash flows and profitability. We  will help you meet your objectives and keep you abreast of the most relevant business trends to keep pace with your competitors. Try us for 30 days free—no obligation!. Leaarn more:

Management Consultants for Small and Midsize Companies

Our Management Consulting Team provides expertise in specific disciplines to deliver a first rate Efficiency Service to solve your business problems and improve cash flows, profitability  and  access to commercial credit.
We provide business consulting services in Strategy, Analytics, Finance, Business Performance, Marketing and Sales Operations, Business Process Management,  Application Modernization, Customer service (CRM), E-commerce Management, and Organization development  for small and mid size business. Read more:

Friday, March 15, 2013

Best Consulting Service for Small Businesses - Think and Profit Consulting, Inc.

Efficiency Management Consulting to improve cash flows, profitability and access to commercial credit may encompass some or all of the following:

Develop a Foundational Strategy that involves nurturing your business culture.
Design measureable Strategic Management Process based on competitive advantage.
Assess the willingness of each team member to support the business strategy.
Consistently identify issues to be improved.
Select starting point.
Determine the level of effort and resource required.
Design appropriate process.
Apply Strategic Process at unit level—(each team member).
Apply Strategic analysis: based on SWOT and Michael Porter’s 5 forces... Read More:

Should Bankruptcy be allowed

S h o u l d B a n k r u p t c y b e a l l o w e d ?
If we think of the concept of bankruptcy the same way we think of insurance, it may help to put bankruptcy in perspective. Under normal circumstances, insurance is based on insuring a large number of people. Based on actuarial mathematics loss risks are predicted and allowed for; for example, how many people will be born, how many people will die, how many people will have accidents and so on… An insurance company expects to pay claims because accidents, deaths, catastrophes happen, and based on the probability of such they collect premiums. The basic model for an insurance company is simple, sell as many insurance policies as possible to broaden or reduce the risk and be prepared to pay claims. In an ideal world the insurance company supplies the amount of insurance risk demanded and the amount of insurance risks demanded is supplied. The company collects enough revenue to pay claims and make a profit. However, ... Read more:

Efficiency in Communications

Q u a l i t y A n d E f f i c i e n c y C a n B e L o s t I n C o m m u n i c a t i n g — W h y S o C o m p l i c a t e d ?
Languages are tools—a means to communicate. As a tool it is also flawed, for example one word may have multiple meanings, or depending on how it is used or where the emphasis is placed and so on. What is important, is how we the user of the tool, use it. Words do not always convey our intent...but when words fail to communicate our intent or feelings...the listener should ask for clarification or definition of how the word is being used and accept the clarification for the purpose of the conversation. It is never a good idea to enter into conversations with preconceived judgment or conclusions that are... Read more:

Methods for Efficiency Management- An Essay

Methods for Efficiency Management I think there is no doubt that most managers would prefer to manage their business more efficiently; while there are some who prefer a state of chaos because they feel a sense of security that only they know how to operate in that chaos and... Read more: